Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Snow Day Chalkboard

I went to bed last knowing that we would have a 2 hour delay today. I didn't expect anything more than this since it hadn't snowed a single flake.  I woke up at 6 this morning and peeked out the window to see- SNOW! Just a few minutes later I got the text that we were out for the day. Clearly, the right thing to do was to roll over and get some more sleep. 
I did decide that a snow day was the perfect day to make a craft that I've had in mind for quite some time: a classroom chalkboard.  I already had the chalkboard paint squirreled away waiting for the perfect project so all I had to do was hit up the thrift store to find the perfect board. And, oh boy. Did I ever find the perfect board.
It's perfect- perfectly ugly! I can't imagine what house this ever hung in, with its smudged flowers and unmatching green frame. However, the frame was good quality and it was only two dollars, so it seemed like the perfect subject for my chalkboard attempt. 
Overall, I think it turned out pretty well. What I read online said to wait 24 hours before writing on it so I'm going to try to wait- but I'm not going to lie, I can't wait to see how it turns out. I think it will be just the thing to spruce up my classroom. Perhaps I can switch out literary quotes...what do you think?

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