Now, don't get me wrong. I love the opportunity to sleep in from time to time. I have last period planning so when school lets out early and I get the opportunity to head home early, I'm all about it. Snow days can be beautiful, relaxing, and productive. They give me the opportunity to work on reading this:
Why, yes. This is my reading for my classes this session. And no, sleep is not on the agenda for the next 11 weeks.
Anyway, the point is that after all of these snow days, I'm starting to feel lost in my lesson planning. I spent a good chunk of time before Christmas Break working on a master plan for the month of January. And I must say, I was so pleased to know that everything was ready to roll when it was time to go back to school.
See? I'm never this organized! |
Now that we've been out 4 days, let out early one day, had a 2 hour delay, an in-school wrestling match, and a school wide assembly, my schedule has gone out the window. Instead, I'm swapping things around, trying to prioritize, and just learning how to make it work.
So, until the weather settles downs and school gets back to normal, I'm embracing a new moto:
I remember that American Lit book! My schedule has been crazy, too. Didn't think I'd say it... but I'm ready to be back in school. Snow can go!